• The Pursuit of Perfecting Work Experiences for 2023 and beyond

    A perspective by Indrajit Belgundi, Sr Director & GM, Client Solutions Group, Dell Technologies India.

    “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”

    This inspiring quote by American visual artist, Andy Warhol, stands true today for the business world. Business leaders and decision-makers of today are realizing that to thrive in a world that is constantly changing, one must evolve to integrate a future-ready mindset. In the past couple of years, we have seen how breakthrough innovations have helped businesses streamline processes and people - whether adopting technologies that ensure business continuity or enabling the workforce to work, connect and collaborate anywhere.

    But what does the world of work look like in 2023 and beyond?

    In 2019, Deloitte published an article on 2019 Global Human Capital Trends that featured the transformation of jobs to ‘superjobs’1. Today we are looking at the transformation of skills to ‘superskills’.

    With the advent of next-gen technologies such as AI, IoT, Analytics, Edge Computing, and more, we are transcending the limits of the human mind – we are making the impossible possible and we are building a network of opportunities. But how ready is the workforce for whatever lies ahead?

    The future will call for elevated work experiences with cutting-edge technologies that meet individual demands.

    While enhancing customer experience has always been a core focus for businesses, today we are also witnessing a shift in focus toward enhancing employee experiences. With work-from-anywhere gaining momentum, organizations need to keep pace with the emerging demands of the modern workforce, delivering them seamless experiences. According to an article published by Forbes, employees who say that their technology is enabling productivity, compared to those who don’t, are 158% more engaged in their jobs and have 61% higher intent to stay at the company beyond three years2.

    This indicates that in the coming times, more organizations will invest in intelligent technologies to improve employees’ experience while maximizing productivity and efficiency, anywhere.

    Dell Technologies – elevating work experiences with industry-leading technologies

    At Dell Technologies, we understand that a key factor for an organization to deliver a winning employee experience is to deploy a comprehensive tech portfolio that enhances work efficiency – seamlessly.

    As the world of work continues to evolve, we at Dell Technologies, foresee a future with human-machine partnerships at the heart of the hybrid work models. With that, we strive to empower every employee to optimize their unique capabilities and unlock their fullest potential.

    With our extensive and upgraded portfolio of Precision Workstations, Latitude Laptops & 2-in-1 PCs, and Monitors, and with powerful features like AI-driven Dell Optimizer and more – we continue to empower the workforce across industries to deliver their best – no matter where they choose to work.

    Right now, we are looking at a future where every business and its people have the power to do more. And with our relentless effort to innovate for a better tomorrow, we continue our pursuit of perfecting work experiences - in the coming year and beyond.

    With that, wish you all a happy and prosperous year ahead. Let’s make the most of every new possibility in 2023.

    1 https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/focus/human-capital-trends/2019/impact-of-ai-turning-jobs-into-superjobs.html

    2 https://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2022/05/09/how-to-create-more-personalized-experiences-at-work/?sh=6d9e69b82810

    #FutureOfWork #EdgeComputing #innovation #transformation #productivity #hybridwork #Workforce

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